Dr. Daly is a licensed clinical psychologist in the state of Virginia. In her work at Commonwealth Psychological Associates, PLC, she provides therapy and neuropsychological assessment services to a broad range of people, including adults, adolescents, and children.
Dr. Daly specializes in the assessment and treatment of a broad range of issues, such as depression, anxiety, trauma, grief, chronic pain, relationship problems, and ADHD, and has worked extensively with US Military Veterans. She works with individuals, couples, and groups using a large assortment of treatment modalities, which she tailors individually to each patient's needs. Dr. Daly also specializes in psychological assessment, and conducts neuropsychological evaluations for mood disorders, anxiety issues, memory disturbance, learning disabilities, developmental delays, and pre-surgical evaluations.
Dr. Daly earned her doctorate in Clinical Psychology from the University of Notre Dame, where she also completed a doctoral minor in Quantitative Psychology. Her training at Notre Dame focused on measuring, assessing, and treating adult personality, psychopathology, and functioning issues. Dr. Daly was the recipient of the Notre Dame Department of Psychology Excellence in Graduate Teaching Award, as well as the Notre Dame Graduate Student Research Award and the Ernest Swarm Graduate Research Award for her work involving personality assessment.
Dr. Daly completed her Internship at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Buffalo, NY, and was a Postdoctoral Fellow of trauma psychology at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Washington, DC. While training in the Veterans Affairs healthcare system, Dr. Daly also worked extensively with trauma and substance abuse issues. Dr. Daly has also served as an adjunct professor of clinical psychology at the University of North Carolina – Wilmington.
Dr. Daly has been trained in all three major empirically-supported treatments for trauma, with certification in Cognitive-Processing Therapy (CPT) and extensive training in Prolonged Exposure (PE) and Eye-Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR). She is also skilled in providing Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), and Interpersonal Therapy for more general psychological issues.
Dr. Daly is a member of the American Psychological Association (APA), the Society of Clinical Psychology (APA Division 12), Northern Virginia Clinical Psychologists, and the Psi Chi National Honor Society in Psychology. Dr. Daly has also been a member of the Society for Personality Assessment, the American Group Psychotherapy Association (AGPA), the Sigma Xi Research Society, and the Society of a Science of Clinical Psychology (APA Division 12, Section 3).
“As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself, the other for helping others."
~ Audrey Hepburn
Publications and Presentations...Publications:
Clark, L. A., Nuzum, H., Shapiro, J. L., Vanderbleek, E. N., Daly, E. J., Simons, A. D. (2020). Personality profiles as potential targets for specific interventions: Identification and replication. Personality and Mental Health, 14, 142-163.
Clark, L. A., Daly, E. J., Larew, S., Nuzum, H., Kingsbury, Y., Shapiro, J. L., Allen, X. & Ro, E. (2019). Personality dysfunction and trait extremity: Conceptually but not empirically distinct? In D. Lynam, S. South, & D. Samuel (Eds.), Using Basic Personality Research to Inform Personality Disorders.
Stanton, K., Daly, E. J., Stasik, S. M., Ellickson-Larew, S. A., Clark, L. A., Watson, D. (2016). An integrative analysis of the Narcissistic Personality Inventory and the Hypomanic Personality Scale: Implications for construct validity. Assessment. Advance online publication.
Clark, L. A., Shapiro, J. L., Daly, E. J., Vanderbleek, E. N., Oiler, M. R., & Harrison, J. (in press). Empirically validated diagnostic and assessment methods. In J. Livesley & R. Larstone (Eds.), The Handbook of Personality Disorders.
Clark, L. A., Vanderbleek, E. N., Shapiro, J. L., Nuzum, H., Allen, X., Daly, E. J.,…Ro, E. (2015). The brave new world of personality disorder-trait specified: Effects of additional definitions on coverage, prevalence, and comorbidity. Psychopathology Review, 2(1), 52-82.
Colton, H., Daly, E. J.& Shuwarger, M. (2008). Differences in Female and Male In-groups in Corporate Settings Based on Leader-Member Exchange & the Glass Ceiling Theories. Undergraduate Leadership Review, 1, 17-24.
Public Talks and Invited Presentations:
Daly, E. J., (2017). Invisible Injuries of Contemporary Warfare. Presentation at Middlesex County College, Edison, NJ.
Daly, E. J. (2017). Advances in the Diagnosis of Personality Disorders. Presentation at the Washington DC VA Medical Center, Washington, DC.
Daly, E. J.& Howell, M.K. (2016). Invisible Injuries of Contemporary Warfare. Presentation at Operation College Promise, University of Maryland University College, College Park, MD.
Conference Presentations:
Hattori, M., Zhang, G., & Daly, E. (2018, July). Exploratory factor analysis with sparse correlation matrices. Paper presented at the 83rd International Meeting of the Psychometric Society, New York, NY.
Greenfield, M., Uram, N., Kelly, A., Daly, E., Mccutchan, P., Zapata, S., & White, T. (2017, March). Comprehensive training evaluation program development for PRRC psychology externs. Poster presented to the Psychosocial Recovery and Rehabilitation Center of the Washington, D.C. VAMC, Washington, D.C.
Deasey, P., Kaye, L., Vanderbleek, E., Daly, E., & Clark, L. A. (2015, May). Examining the associations among pathological personality traits, legal history, and quality of life. Poster presented at the Midwestern Psychological Association conference, Chicago, IL.
Min, J., Daly, E., & Clark, L. A. (2015, May). Common constructs underlying the dark triad. Poster presented at the Midwestern Psychological Association conference, Chicago, IL.
Daly, E.& Clark, L.A. (2014, September). Trait narcissism in the personality hierarchy. Poster presented at the Society for Research in Psychopathology conference, Evanston, IL.
Daly, E.& Clark, L.A. (2014, March). A novel approach to analyzing the Narcissistic Personality Inventory: Comparing formats and interpreting low-end scores. Poster presented at the Society for Personality Assessment conference, Arlington, VA.
Daly, E.& Clark, L.A. (2013, May). What does the Narcissistic Personality Inventory really measure? Paper presented at the Midwestern Psychological Association conference, Chicago, IL.
Brewster, H., Ro, E., Shapiro, J., Daly, E.& Clark, L.A. (2013, April). Quantitative and qualitative examination of DSM-5 Personality Disorder criteria A and B. Poster presented at the North American Society for the Study of Personality Disorders conference, Boston, MA.
Daly, E.& Clark, L.A. (2012, October). An analysis of the trait structure of narcissism. Poster presented at the Society for Research in Psychopathology, Ann Arbor, MI.
Daly, E.& Clark, L.A. (2012, March). A correlational analysis of trait narcissism. Poster presented at the Society for Personality Assessment conference, Chicago, IL.
Daly, E.& Clark, L.A. (2011, September). Investigating trait narcissism: A meta-analytic study. Poster presented at the Society for Research in Psychopathology conference, Boston, MA.
Daly, E. (2011, August). Investigating trait narcissism. Project presented at the University of Notre Dame Department of Psychology First-Year Presentations, Notre Dame, IN.
Daly, E., Lentz, J., & Gibbons, J.A. (2010, April). Your diary does not listen like I do. Paper presented at the Paideia Conference for Student Research, Newport News, VA.
Daly, E., Lentz, J., & Gibbons, J.A. (2010, March). Dear diary: I should not tell so many people my unhappy stories. Poster presented at the Southeastern Psychological Association conference, Chattanooga, TN.
Daly, E., Lentz, J., & Gibbons, J.A. (2009, November). Storytelling behaviors as mood predictors. Poster presented at the Sigma Xi Local Research Conference, Newport News, VA.
Daly, E., Reid, C., Heinemeier, E., Lentz, J., & Gibbons, J.A. (2009, April). Mood and sharing autobiographical information. Poster presented at the Midwestern Psychological Association conference, Chicago, IL.
Daly, E., Lentz, J., Reid, C., Heinemeier, E., & Gibbons, J.A. (2009, April). Storytelling and its relation to mood. Paper presented at the Paideia Conference for Student Research, Newport News, VA.
Reid, C., Heinemeier, E., Daly, E., & Gibbons, J.A. (2009, February). Social sharing and mood: Results from two samples. Paper presented at the South Eastern Psychological Association conference, New Orleans, LA.
Reid, C., Daly, E., Heinemeier, E., Knoll, S., & Gibbons, J.A. (2008, December). Sharing autobiographical information: Different mood predictors across two samples. Poster presented at the Sigma Xi National Research Conference, Washington D.C.
Reid, C., Daly, E., Heinemeier, E., Gibbons, J.A. (2008, November). Sharing autobiographical Information: different mood predictors across two samples. Poster presented at the Sigma Xi Local Research Conference, Newport News, VA.